Le mois d'août était placé sous le signe de l'art et du numérique pour les enfants qui ont eu l'occasion de s'essayer à la photographie et à l'ordinateur.

Très désireuses d'apprendre à faire des photos, les fillettes ont très vite saisi la technique et ont mitraillé à l'objectif fleurs, animaux, humains, bâtiments et tous autres objets à leur portée. Les voisins de l'orphelinat se sont d'ailleurs également laissés prendre au jeu en prenant la pose parfois !
Maitrisant désormais l'art du cadrage, du zoom, du flash et bien plus encore, les fillettes se sont lancées dans la réalisation de leur autoportrait. Chacune a ainsi pu réaliser sa propre photo de plein pied et de buste ainsi qu'une photo les représentant dans leur futur métier. Les enfants ont improvisé des postures et des expressions originales dignes des plus grands photographes de mode !
Le but était de leur faire réaliser un projet personnel dans lequel chacune pouvait laisser libre cours à son imagination et à ses goûts.
Tandis que les plus jeunes dessinaient, les plus grandes ont accompagné leurs photos d'un petit texte tapé à l'ordinateur dans lequel elles se présentent.
L'ordinateur a en effet été la deuxième grande découverte de cet été pour les enfants. Elles se sont ainsi essayées aux jeux éducatifs et au clavier, ce qui leur permet de découvrir l'informatique tout en pratiquant l'anglais, qui, rappelons-le, n'est pas leur langue maternelle mais qu'elles pratiquent quotidiennement à l'école et au sein de l'orphelinat. Une fois les photos prises et le texte tapé, encore fallait-il tout imprimer. Les enfants étaient très heureuses en voyant la première impression ainsi qu'en découvrant le résultat de leur travail! Elles sont maintenant très fières de pouvoir dire qu'elles savent prendre des photos et se servir de l'ordinateur.
Après la danse et la photographie, restait encore le chant pour faire des petites filles des artistes accomplies ! Ce fut chose faite le 22 août lors de la célébration de l'anniversaire de l'église du village. Les enfants ont en effet chanté en chœur devant un public de plus de cent personnes la chanson "If you're happy and you know it".
D'autres photos ainsi que la vidéo des enfants en train de chanter sont disponibles sur la page facebook de Siwol.
The month of August was dedicated to art and digital technology, for the children got the opportunity to discover photography and computer.
The girls were eager to learn photography; they grasped very quickly the technique and took pictures after pictures; animals, people, buildings, etc. everything was worthy of being captured by their cameras. Our neighbors took part in the activity and sometimes posed as models for the kids!
From now on, children master the techniques of framing, zooming, flash and more. They were therefore able to carry out a real photo project. That is what they did with the making of their self-portrait: they took pictures of themselves, both half and full body, as well as a picture representing themselves in their future job. Children have imagined original postures and expressions which are worth a fashion photograph! The goal was to encourage them to develop their imagination and their own ideas in a personal project. Whereas the youngest ones drew, the eldest ones typed on the computer a small text introducing themselves.
Indeed, computer was the second big project we carried on with the girls during summer. They had a go at educative games and keyboard-typing. This enabled them to discover computer and to practice English at the same time. Even though English is not their mother-tongue, they practice it every day at school and at the orphanage.
Once the photos taken and the text typed, everything still needed to be printed. Children were really amazed to see the first photo-printing and they were also very happy to see the result of their ‘work’! They are now very proud to know how to take photos and use the computer!
Dance, photography… Children are almost accomplished artists! This even more true that they also master the singing: on the 22nd of August, for the Church’s anniversary, they sang in front of more than 100 people the song “If you’re happy and you know it”!
You will find more pictures as well as the video of the children’s song on Siwol’s facebook page.

Très désireuses d'apprendre à faire des photos, les fillettes ont très vite saisi la technique et ont mitraillé à l'objectif fleurs, animaux, humains, bâtiments et tous autres objets à leur portée. Les voisins de l'orphelinat se sont d'ailleurs également laissés prendre au jeu en prenant la pose parfois !

The month of August was dedicated to art and digital technology, for the children got the opportunity to discover photography and computer.
The girls were eager to learn photography; they grasped very quickly the technique and took pictures after pictures; animals, people, buildings, etc. everything was worthy of being captured by their cameras. Our neighbors took part in the activity and sometimes posed as models for the kids!
From now on, children master the techniques of framing, zooming, flash and more. They were therefore able to carry out a real photo project. That is what they did with the making of their self-portrait: they took pictures of themselves, both half and full body, as well as a picture representing themselves in their future job. Children have imagined original postures and expressions which are worth a fashion photograph! The goal was to encourage them to develop their imagination and their own ideas in a personal project. Whereas the youngest ones drew, the eldest ones typed on the computer a small text introducing themselves.
Indeed, computer was the second big project we carried on with the girls during summer. They had a go at educative games and keyboard-typing. This enabled them to discover computer and to practice English at the same time. Even though English is not their mother-tongue, they practice it every day at school and at the orphanage.
Once the photos taken and the text typed, everything still needed to be printed. Children were really amazed to see the first photo-printing and they were also very happy to see the result of their ‘work’! They are now very proud to know how to take photos and use the computer!
Dance, photography… Children are almost accomplished artists! This even more true that they also master the singing: on the 22nd of August, for the Church’s anniversary, they sang in front of more than 100 people the song “If you’re happy and you know it”!
You will find more pictures as well as the video of the children’s song on Siwol’s facebook page.
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